Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can't forget this scene

Never realize that I could be so easily influenced by others, not until I was willing to spend some money to buy the series. Well, if you had read my blog posts before, you definitely know which series I am saying. Hmm...I rarely watch English movies, not to mention the English series. I have no willpower to watch series being shown once for a week. I guess that's the main reason for me not being interested in English series. Anyway, The L Word has got my attention. Spending plenty of my free time for this series, I do agree that this series is interesting. At least, I get to know something novel and different to my usual life.

I know there are some people start to think that I might become a gay or so-called "come-out". Who cares what they think? I know that I am straight. That's enough! Anyway, this is not the point. The gist of today's post is concerning one point being brought out in The L Word. I couldn't forget that there is one scene in The L Word Second Season which is about Alice and Dana went to Adult Shop(Hmm...I don't really know the accurate name for shops selling adult erotica products) searching for "fake cock". *SHY* AT first, Dana's reaction to this was definitely the passive one, while Alice being initiative. However, Dana ignored her self-pride and managed to walk into the adult shop freely.

I know I have been using words to describe one of the scene in the series. Please forgive me because I just couldn't forget this scene. I laughed when I watched the expressions of both Alice and Dana, especially when the worker showed them the "Dinosaur-type" fake penis and the one which can stick on the wall. WTF!! I just can't stop laughing even when I recall back the scene. A scene full of sense of humour...

Till this moment, Alice-Dana, a lovely couple which I like the most. More than any other couple in the series. By the way, I hate Veronica!!>.<

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